FFXI goals

My first level 75 job (the max in the early days of FFXI) was WHM. I leveled WHM initially as a subjob for my plans to become a BLM, but I soon ditched BLM when I saw how easily I could get invites for exp parties and story mission content (the thing I was interested in the most) Upon reaching 75, I instantly threw myself into an endgame LS hoping to eventually acquire a Noble’s tunic (The big ticket WHM item of the day)

That didn’t turn out so good, and I wound up swearing off WHM. While there’s a chance in the future I might come back to it, it’s at the lowest right now.

After WHM, I leveled RDM, DRG, and WAR to 75. RDM was to be useful to another HNMLS I wanted to join (friends were in it after I quit and came back to the game), DRG was just because a lot of others in my LS were leveling it, and WAR was nostalgia for a character I had created before on a different server.

None of those really stuck for me though. I suppose I enjoyed the melee jobs, but being RDM felt too similar to being a WHM (trading healing for enfeebling and refreshing mostly) When Abyssea came around (along with the increase in level cap), I ended up not touching these jobs Instead I started leveling evasion based jobs like THF and NIN, and even started getting serious about BLU.

I loved all those jobs. I started working on relic for NIN and even had an 85 Almace for BLU at one point. I would eventually finish the relic, but I fell off with the Almace (I actually ended up throwing it away stupidly because I felt like there was no way I’d ever finish it)

When Adoulin came out, I leveled GEO. I liked the class, but it was mainly because everyone wanted them and I needed the content. While I didn’t hate it, it did leave this taste in my mouth of “I don’t always want to have to play this in order for me to participate” I also really didn’t want to focus on the gear grind just so I could do more content with it. That only became worse when job points and master levels were released.

Anyway my times quitting the game and coming back, I eventually leveled everything. Though for a vast majority, I just did naked with a delivery box full of echad rings. I mostly did it for the memes.

With that all said, what do I actually want to play and what am I focusing on.

Jobs I probably wont play: RDM,BLM,PLD,BST,BRD,RNG,SMN,PUP,SCH,RUN

It’s probably easiest to start with the jobs I wont play first. Not interested in tanking (though RUN seems more interesting than PLD to me) Not really sure if I can manage pet jobs (even if I want their ability to solo some stuff) Not really into the mage jobs much anymore.

Jobs that I might play: DRK, WHM, GEO,WAR, COR, DRG

DRK is technically built more than the others in this section (it has mastery and an apoc) but I built this back when I intended to multibox. Many of its job points came from leeching. I don’t really know how to use it effectively, and I also don’t really like how slow it is without a lot of buffs.. It’s on the maybe shelf until further notice

WHM I’ve talked about before. It all really revolves around whether I ever feel like taking a chance on it again.

Geo I also mentioned. I feel like I also need to learn how to play it right

WAR is something I loved before, but not a high priority

COR is something I’m interested in, but I’m not sure if I’d even be any good with it. Have to learn to play it.

DRG is like.. Something I wouldn’t be opposed to playing, but also something I’m not really thinking about either

Jobs that I’m focused on: NIN,THF,DNC,SAM,MNK,BLU

NIN I built relic for and have a lot of time put into. I don’t particularly love tanking, but I do like the survivability and some of the DD capabilities of it. I think it’d be nice if I could at least get my relic augmented for it. Though apart from that, I’m not really sure what it needs as I’ve been more focused on other jobs that might be more useful.

THF is my baby. It’s the car in the garage that you always work on but never take out and drive (not that I have any experience there either) Basically, I try to get it all the nice stuff but I barely ever get to use it because THF isn’t really great for much outside of the occasional TH annoyance. Still I’d love to get it Twashtar someday (Which I have all the Heavy Metal for but barely of the boss materials or boulders for right now)

DNC kind of goes along with thief for a lot of gear. It’s also the reason I want Twashtar. Though I also need to get it some JP in the future.. Apart from that… I’m, not sure what else

SAM was always interesting to me, but it shot up in my focus when I learned how of the DDs they seemed to be sitting pretty high in the usefulness. Wanting to have a more useful DD job, I leveled it up to mastery with MNK. Currently focused on getting Masamune for it (I have everything for it except the beginning magian trial NM kills now) I’m hoping with that plus a few more pieces of actual current gear it might become desirable for something?

MNK right now is probably my strongest until SAM manages to get empy. It’s the first time in the game I’ve seen my character pull off 5 digit damage. At the moment, I’ve started the Aeonic questline for Godhands but have none of the kills for it yet. Hoping that becomes something in the future. Even if I can’t use it for much endgame stuff, I’d love it for smashing things like ambu or whatever,

BLU is the side project now. I’m somewhat casually learning the spells I need (currently at 31 missing) Would like to get it to a point where I can do some more with it. Though it’s obviously long term. Speaking of long term, BLU is also the job I envision making a mythic for. The only other contender right now being WHM (which is still in the maybe zone)

I know that all might seem rather unspecific, and I do plan on doing some research/making some more concrete goals very soon. When I do, I plan on making a separate page for that I will link up at the top of my site