Sakura no Toki was my most anticipated release…

Sakura no Toki was my most anticipated release this year, and when it came out at the end of Feburary, I half expected myself to devote all my time to it until it was done. Unfortunately, that didn’t end up happening.

I was on something of a good clip until I reached Chapter 5, and from here we’re going to get into spoilers so don’t read if you have interest in ever playing this game

So I really enjoyed chapters 1-3. Chapter 1 I especially really liked the dynamic between Shizuru and Reika. Chapter 2 was mostly Naoya and his students hijinx (Suzuna is my favorite of that bunch) Chapter 3 being the routes much like Uta

I was surprised to find that the only routes were Misuzu and Makoto. They’re both great (with Misuzu being the better of the two) but compared to Uta, it was pretty lacking. Though I’m guessing they didn’t want a bunch of high school heroines given Naoya’s position (as the only other females are mostly his students at this point)

Chapter 4 was excellent. It made me appreciate Kei a whole lot more than what the first game did.

Then chapter 5 happened and I started to lose some of my interest.

A main contributor to that is Naoya’s relationship to Ai in this chapter. While Ai was my favorite character in Uta, something about it doesn’t feel right. Maybe it’s the situation in which they find themselves in that makes it feel wrong? I don’t know. I just feel like her h-scenes could have been a route in itself.

This being the part where Rin shows up again also doesn’t help this chapter. For those not aware, Rin is my least favorite character. In the beginning of Uta she comes off as being too dumb, and then later on she comes off as being kind of a bitch? I might have read more into some things (or misread stuff) but I just didn’t like the tonal shift she went under once she gets her painting skills back.

I don’t know. Not much was doing it for me this chapter until Nagayama Kana showed up.

Maybe it was my dislike of Rin, but despite Kana bullying her, I never felt really that negatively towards her as Naoya did. I also wasn’t upset with what she tried to do with the mural with her performance art group (even though I hate Thomas with the heat of a thousand suns) I gathered there was something more to her

Though I didn’t really put together everything until Naoya meets her again twice in Toki. Once looking at the mural and again at the bar. It’s there I started getting annoyed at Naoya’s suspicious/thickheaded nature

Her presence in this route has been part of what’s kept me reading. I actually just got done reading the part where she faces Naoya in the semifinals.. Man I hope if there’s ever a third game (or a fan-disc) that she gets a route, because I honestly think she’s perfect for Naoya. Even moreso than Misuzu (as much as I love her)

Though now that the semifinal match is over, I’m a bit worried that my enthusiasm is going to die back down a bit. I’d really like to finish this game so I can move onto something else for a bit..

It’d be nice if I knew how much was left of 5 and how long 6 will be.. I used a Youtube playthrough when I played Uta to gauge how far I was, but there doesn’t seem to be any existing ones for toki sadly


For those who don’t know I’ve been rewatching…

For those who don’t know, I’ve been rewatching a lot of anime I’ve only seen dubbed in English in Japanese (with English subs) I’ve done it with Tenchi Universe, Outlaw Star, Trigun, and Cowboy Bebop. This time I set my sights on what was probably my favorite anime (post high school/early college) Yu Yu Hakusho

I just finished rewatching the entire series, and here are some of my impressions. Note that in the future, I plan to post my reactions to voices as smaller status updates rather than a longer form post like this one.

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Haha okay so I think I’ve gotten most…

Haha, okay so I think I’ve gotten most things to work like I want them. If you’re curious about the particulars, I’ll be making a more proper post later. I’d make one right now, but I’ve spent practically all day messing with this. Plus I need to still get some more pictures for the random image thingy

Until then, if you notice anything wonky, please contact me on discord at maegamisama. Thanks!

Got spoilers working properly spoiler as you can…

Got spoilers working properly [spoiler] as you can see [/spoiler] Next thing I need to do is start work on tags showing up in a nice organizable fashion.

Once I get that done, I’ll probably look for a few more pictures to add to the random image (near the べつに) and call it good for updates. I’ll then do a more proper update explaining just how my blog will work from now on (if it wasn’t clear already)


Today I started thinking about whether such a thing as vocal majority exists. You often hear conflicting groups call the opposition a vocal minority, but when you get down to enumerating them, it feels more like there’s an equal number of all the people making noise. A number that is nowhere near the amount of people that you would think is affected by whatever issue,.

Continue reading “06”


Good weather has finally come, but as if wished on a monkey’s paw, it’s not without a catch. At the moment that catch seems to be an abnormally large amount of mosquitos making their base in my room. If you think I’m exaggerating, know that I’ve killed at least 7 of these little shits within the two hours I’ve been awake. When you add that with my total kill count over the past week, I’m betting it’s close 30 or 40, and that’s just the ones I’ve actually been successful in killing (Let’s pour one out for the countless bug bites I’ve endured)

Continue reading “05:”

04: Metamorphosis

It’s close to the end of the April, but going by the weather in northwestern Wisconsin, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone thought it was the middle of March. Hell, I live here and even I am taken aback by how shitty it can be here. Even though this has been matter of course for many years, I still become dumbfounded by the weather here.

Continue reading “04: Metamorphosis”

Resident Evil 4

I went back and forth on whether I should talk about my experiences with Resident Evil 4 remake in my monthly post or in its own post. Originally I was going to make it its own post, but there is an aspect of it that ties to something kind of big that I want to talk about in April’s post. Ultimately though I felt that it would not only be easier to write separately, but it would also be a more comfortable read spread apart.

Continue reading “Resident Evil 4”

03: March Madness

I’m not much into basketball, but I find the term “March Madness” to be strangely appropriate for this time of year. Both for the weather and my overall mental state. At least in comparison to any other time of the year.

I call my mental state madness, but most would probably understand it better as stir-crazy. Though I would say my mental state is actually something more than that, stir-crazy is probably the largest component. In other words, I’m sick of my life at home all by myself.

Continue reading “03: March Madness”